8 February 2014

 Saturday morning banana pancakes !  topped with coconut butter & blueberries! 

Blueberry streusel muffins, fresh baked baguettes and cinnamon rolls (later glazed with icing) 
~I'm going to school for Culinary Arts/Culinary Nutrition, but i just finished a mandatory baking and pastry lab that i really enjoyed! Baking is so much fun, but very tedious, you have to be an extremely patient person, which i'm not! Making baguettes was an amazing learning experience, probably my favorite thing we made in class, so much time goes into the process, it's really an art.  

My favorite breakfast lately has been green smoothies! I actually never tried making one till a few weeks ago, I've seen recipes for years, but always stayed away from drinking my veggies other than in the form of carrot juice! Now i'm hooked! There are so many different recipes I've made some favorites are, unsweetened cocoa powder and banana or peanut butter + frozen banana and blueberries! A great way to easily get in a lot of antioxidants and vitamins early in the day so you can eat breads, muffins and cinnamon rolls later, of course, haha just kidding ;)
~ This particular one pictured above  had 1/2 a small fresh papaya, a few chunks of frozen pineapple, 1 cup of almond milk, 2-3 handfuls of kale, fresh grated ginger, 1-2 Tbsp unsweetened coconut flakes, 1 tsp maca powder and 1 tsp chia seeds...Also i like adding a packet of truvia for extra sweetness!

check out my Four Sixty page and see what I've been up to :) this website is so cool, y'all should go make a profile too!
I'm making it my mission to post more on my blog, definitely some exciting posts to come soon with creations from school and such! 


  1. Love this post eliza !! That smoothie sounds great :) your drawing is beautiful too :)

  2. eliza! i was so happy to see this. your creations look so mouthwatering, especially the muffins omfgskdflksj :o but yes patience and time is worth it, i'm sure. do you get to try everything? what is foursixty, like a combination of a bunch of social media handles? i feel like there are too many sites to join it causes too much anxiety ;P anyway, i'm excited to see more posts and i hope you're doing well :) xox
