23 January 2013

some favorites

Yesterday I started classes, i am taking a few psychology courses and one history class which is called psychohistory, it's a history credit but it's the psychology of history, seems like a really cool class so far! The professor seems really good too, plus he is quite cute. ;) Also the meditation thing is going great, if anyone was wondering. Before i went to bed the other night i followed this article and it was so calming and actually helped me sleep. 
Anyway, above i have some of my recent favorite things! Apartamento magazine, which is Maya's - it's amazing and full of amazing articles and designs. The sweater pictured was a Christmas present from a dear friend. The sweater is from Uniqlo, if anyone isn't familiar with Uniqlo, it's a Japanese casual wear store, with really great and affordable high quality items.  My new favorite snack pictured on the bottom are Thunderbird Energetica bars. I recently discovered these bars at my local health food store and they are without a doubt the best tasting and most unique product I've ever came across, and I've tried A LOT over these past years, so trust me they are good. Not only is the packaging awesome and the flavors are exquisite, but the ingredients are highly nutritious and pure. I've tried all of the flavors, but i think my two favorites are the Cherry Walnut Crunch and the Cocao Hemp WalnutIf you can't find these near you, i highly suggest ordering them, because they are worth it! 

My favorite recipe is socca. A socca is a flat bread made from garbanzo bean flour (or besan at an Indian market). It's fantastic as a base for pretty much anything, a pizza crust, an appetizer, or as a sandwich (as i had above). Ever since i came across this recipe about a year ago, I've been making socca multiple times a week for lunch or dinner. The recipe is unbelievably simple, and today i made a great sandwich. I had some fennel sitting in the fridge so i roasted that with some red onion and bell pepper, wilted some baby spinach and adding that along with fresh avocado, sliced turkey and goat cheese.

Socca (serves 1)

1/3 cup garbanzo bean flour 
1/2 cup water
1/4 tsp. ground cumin
1/4 tsp. dried or fresh rosemary
salt and black pepper to taste
 olive oil cooking spray
*preheat oven to 420ยบ and combine all the ingredients and mix very well. Spray a cast iron pan with cooking spray and pour socca batter into the hot pan. let cook for 15-20 minutes! 

Raw cocoa nibs. favorite way to get my daily dose of chocolate

This is seriously the best almond butter on earth. It contains raw sprouted almonds, coconut and lacuma fruit and cardamom. The flavor is so exotic and sweet from the coconut and lacuma, while the texture is "silky-smooth" unlike your normal almond butter. I usually have a spoonful in my oatmeal or spread on a banana for a snack...but it's probably good on anything! :)


  1. hey eliza :) the colour of that sweater is amazing, i love that shade. i wish i had a store like that near here...i might though, probably just don't know of it ;P and that almond butter...except, idk for some reason i can't 'do' cardamom...i think it's that spice, i love cinnamon and ginger but i think that's one that makes me gag and i don't know why, because it's in a lot of things and smells nice. but the idea of coconut and a lovely spice mixed with nut butter sounds amazing. i usually add cinnamon or other spice on mine if it's on a bread, but blended would be cool. i guess the closest i've had is like the pb+co cinnamon/raisin but it's not quite the same as the natural nut butters. i like simple ones though. anyway, your class sounds really neat. i might be taking another few classes soon, possibly journalism or some sort of media, or film. different i know, i finished my BA but i've taken a couple since graduating and, i just might look into it. xox

  2. How did I not know that you're blogging again? I feel ashamed... I'm glad I saw your tweet with the link.

    1. LIZ! :) hey girl, yea i just started this blog the other day, glad you found it!

  3. i love your photography, eliza! and i am definitely making that recipe for socca...

    psychohistory sounds interesting, glad that you're having fun with your classes. and uniqlo has some of the nicest, affordable basics!

    take care :)

  4. i love the way you wrote on the photos with the description …it's cool :) cocoa nibs <3 & that almond butter, i could eat on my foot and it would be amazing ;)

  5. love uniqlo! pretty sure that almond butter sounds like the tastiest treat ever! ok. well maybe not as good as a pierre herme mosaic macaron ^_^

    1. haha! :) yes, nothing can compare to a macaron!! but this comes pretty close!

  6. So excited that you started blogging again! That almond butter sounds so lovely!

  7. I literally squealed out loud when I saw that you were back to blogging. It's really great to hear from you again, love! I hope that you're doing well <3 Socca - I have yet to try it, but with all the bad luck that I've been having with finding wraps lately, I may have to start making my own... especially when you make it look SO good!

  8. Awh I love posts like this!! Ahh I've seriously been wanting to try those bars and that almond butter ever since I first saw them! You never fail to make me jealous of the food you guys have over there haha! I love Uniqlo for basics..really well made and simple but stylish <3

  9. Eliza I am so glad to have found your blog! I had no idea you were started back into it a bit but yep, my day has officially been made. Your psychology class sounds absolutely fascinating, I wish they offered something like that at my school. And man that sandwich looks delicious! I'm so envious of your ability to pair simple ingredients into something that is unique and delicious looking. That's a definite skill that not everyone has I hope you realize.
